Here is a little preview of our newly redesigned 4 room cabin tent our customers affectionately call "the condo". The picture on the left shows it with the rain fly on and the one on the right shows how the tent is suspended under the frame. The frame is sandwiched in between the tent (below the scissor type frame) and the rain fly (above the scissor type frame). Of course the colors are just with test material and the final colors will be a royal blue and grey but you get the idea. It is now available to purchase via Four Room Cabin Tent - detailed spec., and let us know what you think.
Update: Some new photos of our four room cabin tent with the ultimate furnishings from one of our customers. Thanks Doug.
My family loves to go camping. We try to do it several times a year. We are a family of four and need alot of room inside a tent. We currently have a Hillary 4 room tent and it serves us great. This last time going camping during Labor Day weekend, the tent zipper on the main door broke so we figure it is time for a new tent. I am very interested in the new 4-room tent that you are going to sell. Can you tell me when it will be available for purchase and if you have a price range on this tent as of yet? Thanks.
We will have our four room cabin tent in our warehouse about the first week in October 2007. The target price is $499.00. Regarding your current tent, any upholstery shop can sew on a new zipper for a very reasonable cost. Of course we would like you to try our tents, but it is always an option to repair an otherwise good tent.
Dang! This is the most impressive tent I have ever seen. We've been looking at large family tents for a while now and I have to say this one beats the competition hands down! Do you have any spec's on it (ie weight and packaged dimensions)? We currently have a tent trailer that we pull with our motorcycle but want more room. We have just about all the creature comforts with us; camp kitchen, table and chairs, collapsible cupboards, raised air bed and yes even a toilet. Now you can see why we want a big tent! Gonna watch for your release of this, it's sure to be a hit. Regards.
This four room cabin tent has been a standard product for us for years. We have just taken feedback from our customers and made some improvements. The basic size and structure will remain the same as shown in the previous model specifications at: http://www.camptents.com/4roomspecs.htm
The improvements are more durable polyester material, triple the waterproofing to 3000mm, extra taping on the seams, and adjustable awning poles to mention a few. It is truly a unique design and we think you will enjoy the upgrades that our customers suggested.
As you can guess by my blog ID, I've spent some time in the military. Quite a bit of that time was spent in the field (hated it). While I love to car camp with my family, I REALLY enjoy the comforts of home. We currently own a 10 x 20 by a different company. It's pretty roomy. But we still can't put up the room dividers after putting in 2 cots and an XL queen air bed. After seeing the dimensions and the quality of the "Condo", I am quite anxious to get my hands on this one. Is it on the market yet?
Are your products sold in stores?
We have completed the manufacturing on our "condo" four room cabin tents and are updating the specification sheet now. This redesigned cabin tent will be available for shipment shortly. Our core business is tent manufacturing in quantities for commercial customers and we have a small line of tents that we offer to our consumer customers. We do not offer our tents for sale in stores at this time so unfortunately there is nowhere to view them except at campsites across the country where you will see countless examples.
Our four room cabin tent is now available for shipment. We welcome any comments on our new and improved design. Please see the following link : http://Four Room Cabin Tent
Are family a family of five and we have a 14 X 14 tent but after awhile the floor started leaking water up through it. I am very interested in this Condo for its size and assembly and would like to see some pics of the inside of this tent including the floor. Also is it possible to have you all put a short video of this tent being assemblied on your web site?
We have taken pictures of the inside of the tent but unfortunately they are not very helpful as about all you can see is the walls. The video is a good idea and we will add that to the list of future enhancements. In the mean time, if any of our customers out there have a video of setting this up at camp we would love to see it and if you are willing to share it please feel free to post it here.
Hi Kevin, we finally managed to try out our new camping setup this weekend. Our tent was the talk of the campround! Your tent is very well made and impressive in its design. I have to admit though it was a challenge setting it up for the first time in 50k wind gusts, but we did it. The first night continued to be very windy but had no effect on the tent. The windows make it very comfortable in the warm weather and closed up was warm inside during the 45F nights. This tent fits the bill and all our stuff prefectly. IMO you have the best/largest tent on the market!
Thanks again,
Doug Smith
Ok Pinnacle,
We bought this tent from you, at a cost of close to $500.00. It's a lot for a tent, so you expect a certain amount of quality when you spend that much. Overall, I will say that we love this tent. When "car camping", I like to go all out and go for comfort/roominess/funtionality and this tent does have that. I recently took this tent on an annual "guy's weekend" kayaking trip to Arkansas. I set this monster up and overall, its a fairly easy process with a couple of minor quirks, but nothing worth mentioning in that regard. The first QC issue I found was that the pop-up frame was missing TWO nuts on one elbow section of the frame, so in a pinch, I borrowed one from the opposite section and left it with one each, instead of the two it should have had. In setting the tent up, two of the string ties on the corners of the tent popped off, seems they were only held on by a couple of threads each, not a huge deal, but got me worrying. Once the tent was all the way up, I went inside and immediately found a 1/4 hole in the floor where the "heat seam" bonds the floor sections together. Next, I found one of the pocket bags near the side windows was sewn on upside down AND backwards. The last issue is pretty minor, both of the end windows had about 3" of elastic hanging down below the stitched edge. The tent is great, dont get me wrong, but when you pay that much, you expect it to be pristine when you put it up for the first time. The tent design and size gets an A, but your QC team gets a D-.
Dave in North Texas
I have been looking all over for a large tent for our family of four. Having a preteen son and teen daughter we need three "bedrooms" in our tent. This tent looks perfect size but there is one reccomendation I would like to make that would make it a home run for me (and maybe others). The area of the rain canopy out front, make that a screened in dining area/mudroom. It might need to be a tad wider so you can have a fold out tabnle with four chairs and enough room to put shoes/walk through to the bedroom areas, but that in my opinion would make it a true "condo" and be a wonderful add on for families like us who love to cook outside with the bugs but not eat outside with them.
Hi there! I'm VERY interested in this tent but I plan to use in under pretty extreme conditions. I want to use it at the Burning Man festival this year and need to know two things. One, how well will the tent stand up to periodic heavy (70+ mph) wind gusts? Two, do all the windows and doors zip shut from the inside to keep out dust/rain during a storm? Thanks!
Many of our customers use our Pinnacle Canvas Tents for Burning Man with much success. We would recommend the Pinnacle #646 Canvas Tent or the Pinnacle #647 Canvas Tent with the optional 647CF Canvas Rain Fly. Our Pinnacle four room cabin tent #770 our customers affectionately call “The Condo” works well at Burning Man also. Just remember to guy these out securely and many of our customers use rebar for stakes.
We had a few issues with our four room cabin tent, most were fairly minor. After posting them here, the customer service group (Kevin) contacted me and went WAY above and beyond what I expected to get things corrected. Customer service here is TOP notch and I will continue to recommend these tents to others with glowing remarks about their service.
It looks like a great tent. There is one more thing that I would love to see to make it unbelievable. I would like if it had a larger canopy that can be screened in. This would make it by far the best tent anywhere. I did see somewhere a canopy like I described.
We are so excited. We recieved our tent this week and had nice enough weather to put it up. It took us about 2 hours the first time to unroll everything..read it and construct. I am positive we can put it up in about 40 mins next time.. VERY easy!
It is enormous on the inside and with two adults, 15/13/11/9 kids(4) we all laid around inside and it still felt spacious!!!
We cant wait to use it this summer. We will update you later with pictures and comments.
This may be a silly question, but the only Bad questions are the ones you don't ask...
I am a 6ft tall, 47 yr old divorced woman that loves the great outdoors.
How hard of a time would I have trying to set this Divine Looking 4 room cabin tent up? If it's ez enough, I may NEVER come home!!!!
awaiting an answer in alabama, kathy
It can be set up by one person. The most difficult part for one person is to expand the scissor's type frame.
I am looking at getting this tent, but my concerns are
1) How heavy is it to do steps 5 and 6 in the setup instructions?
2) Does it come with a "storage case/bag" and because tent makers never give you folding instructions. Will I be able to get it back in the bag? (hint put some marks where the folds should be)
3) The mud room idea would really help keep the inside clean.
4) Is there a electrical cord "port" Good for blowing up beds at dusk when the bugs are out in full force.
5) Is there any thing to hang a lantern from? (above the beds for some night time reading)
Thanks for you time.
Thanks for your questions and concerns.
1. Raising the tent frame in steps 5 and 6 does not take that much effort because you simply extend the telescoping legs of the main frame and you can do this one leg at a time until all four are extended.
2. Our four room cabin tent comes with 3 storage bags, one for the central frame, one for the eave and awning poles, and one for the tent and rain fly. You will be able to get it back in the bag because we always oversize the design of our storage bags so that the tent will fit easily inside. In our opinion, it is always better to fold your tent at different places each time and then roll the material because continuous folding and storage at the same location can permanently crease and possibly weaken the material over time.
3. We will consider how to incorporate the “mud room” suggestion in our future design.
4. There is no dedicated electrical cord port; however, you can easily run a cord in at the corner of one of the doors where the zippers meet.
5. There is a loop at the peak of the center of the tent and one at each corner.
If you have any more questions please let us know.
I was wondering if The Condo tents are available and if so how much-I live outside of Atlanta,Georgia and can't wait to camp in a great tent like this!!
Our Pinnacle Tents models 770 Four Room Cabin Tent (The Condo) is available and shipping now. Please see the specifications at Pinnacle Tents Four Room Cabin Tent #770
Since the last time I posted, I have shopped all over and still have not found a tent that competes with this one. All of the reviews have been great. I just have one question/clarification that I need. The picture on the website showing the tent with the rainfly on shows that the rainfly does not extend out over the end windows. Our old tent's rainfly did so and many other tents on the market do too. One of the other pictures which has a description of rainfly guy rope attach points shows that the rainfly does in fact extend out over the window. Can you clarify this for me. We are really excited about getting back into camping and can't wait. Thanks.
Hi Lorie,
You are very observant! Yes, the rain fly does extend out over the end windows. This is one of the features we added as a new improvement. We haven't got a chance to update all the pictures on the website, but will do that shortly. Thanks for pointing that out.
Wow, thanks for the prompt reply Grace. I can't wait until we get the tent and go camping for the first time with it! Will definitely let you know how it goes.
Thanks for your response Kevin
you mentioned the tent goes into 3 oversized bags(Bonus points for that)
I was wondering how long the bags will be? I have know if I can get it in my small trailer. I see one of the pictures has a motorcycle trailer beside the tent. If it fits in that trailer it will fit in mine which is slightly larger.
Larry, the frame and the bag that holds it is 52” long and this cannot be reduced. The tent can fold up smaller so if the frame length will fit it should work for you.
I received the pinnacle tent back in late May... We have not had the opportunity to go camping with it yet however. We have gotten around to setting it up so that we can get familiar with it before going to the camping ground. I did notice that there was a bag for the scizzor frame and one for the poles,but not one for the actual tent and rain fly. Is there anyway we can get one of those sent to us even though we have had it a couple of months?? Until then, we have put the tent and rainfly into a waterproof duffel bag that we had for camping. Cannot wait to get out there and test it out.
Lorie, no problem we will send one right out. Our #770 four room cabin tent comes with a carry bag for the tent and fly and should have been in the box. Sorry for the inconvenience.
That is awesome! Thanks! We will be leaving on Friday, July 17th early in the morning. If the bag is not able to get here by then, can you hold it until after August 1st and then ship it?? Or can I give you an alternate address to ship it to??? That would be great.
Hi Lorie,
Tried to call you, but failed. Anyway, if we ship out today, it will take 3 business days to get to you. Since you won't be there this Friday, we will hold off the shipment. Please send us an email upon your return so we will send it to you after.
Thanks Grace. You guys are totally awesome! I will send an email when we get back from vacation so that you can ship out the bag. Thanks again.
we were on our way to our vacation to go camping while stopping for the night our truck was broken into and several items were stolen including the zipper frame and poles to our condo tent. is ther any way we can purchase the replacement parts and have them fed exed to us at our expense? any help would be appreciated.
Lorie, sorry to hear that and we sent them out to you the next day for overnight delivery. Hope you were able to enjoy your trip after putting this behind you.
I have just bough the four room cabin tent and set it up it is huge
i have camped for 25yrs and never had a tent this big. set up in our front yard to make sure okey for the trip to cape cod.
And it was so easy to set up my daughter who is 10 and niece who is 16 set it up in less then a 1/2 hr. the only thing missing was the clips (metal)that attach to the frame 3 were missing.used paper clips for now.if possible could you send me three of those or tell me how much for them. thank you
kathy truehart.easthampton,mass
Thanks for your nice comment and sorry about the missing clips. We will ask our warehouse to send you some.
LOVE this tent, but a word of caution. We took our new Condo camping a couple of weeks ago in the Oklahoma wind (30+ mph). The trade-off for a light frame is the risk of turning it into a kite. We sat outside watching the wind lift the scissor frame 2 inches off the ground. We had used metal stakes for the tent & used the plastic ones for guy-outs. One of the plastic stakes snapped, so the awning support pole fell. Still LOVE the tent. The bottom plate of the scissor frame has a small hole in it, so we plan to devise some small stake to anchor the frame itself on future trips. If you plan to camp in high winds, you may need extra measures to stay grounded.
Thanks for your comments. Due to the size of this tent it must be well staked and guyed out for extremely windy conditions. Each of the scissors type central frame legs have the capability and should be staked to the ground. We advise all 20+ guy ropes that we supply with the tent be used at all times and especially in windy weather the awnings should be rolled up and secured to the tent since they are large and will catch the wind.
Let me start off by saying Pinnacle Tents set the standard for buying tents and costumer service. I have been camping for many years and have yet to find a quality tent. And trust me I have had my fair share of tents that were just disappointing. Until now... The Condo is by far the Most impressive tent i have ever invested in. Size and quality. Worth every penny.
The customer service is almost unbelievable. Kevin <- Your the man. Thank you for all the help. I will promote pinnacle tents to all of my camping partners.
Excellent job.
I have been shopping for a tent for over a year now. We have boughten two dissapointing tents in the last year and sold one and returned the other. I am considering this as the next tent to "try"! However I am not rich and do not want to spend money on a nice tent only to go broke buying repair parts and missing parts. So have you guys fixed the missing parts issues I have read about here? Also the bolts falling out of the frame issue? I live in Minnesota and plan to take the next tent to Northern Minnesota for the 4th and we are spending 7 days camping and I want to set up a tent and forget about it until we go to sleep! We could experience winds of tornado force, rain, sleet, hail, possibly snow, and misquitos the size of a small 2 person plane. So that being said is this the tent for my 5 member family? And yes I know its not a tornado shelter, nor do I expect it to be. But I do hope for no tears and broken poles in an up north storm. P.S. Add the front screen room and make it out of the orange and bright blue material like the prototype! That would be the icing on the cake! I hate boring colors! A nice bright yellow and flame red would be nice with black trim too! :-)
Matthew, we had a few issues about parts missing when tooling up this tent for the new production and have implemented new and improved inspection techniques. But rest assured, you will not have to spend any money on missing or warranty tent parts since these are our responsibility and if these issues arise we replace them at no cost to you. We make durable tents that will stand up to normal weather conditions that are short of tornado, hurricane, whole gail force, or microburst conditions. Thanks for your suggestions on future designs.
Kevin, there is a green military looking tent on your home page. What is that? And will you custom make 1 tent?
That is a custom product. Our business is high volume tent manufacturing so we cannot just make one custom tent.
Is the foot print of this tent 10' x 24' exactly? Or do the ends narrow from the middle to less then 10' at the ends?
Our four room cabin tent is 10' wide (+/- an inch or two due to manufacturing tolerances) the whole length of this cabin tent. The width does not narrow at the ends of the tent.
Do I need to spray the tent with water proofing before use?
No. The tent is treated to 3000mm hydrostatic test and all of the exposed seams are heat seal taped.
Do not buy one of these tents. If it leaks it's not warranted. Frame for rain fly was broke during shipment. Lousy packaging. Then when the rains came after getting it up. The rain fly and tent leaked. Apparently no warranty after you receive the tent. Zippers also weak.
Thanks for your comments but since you did not contact us about a warranty and left no contact information here how can we help? This is a large and complex tent so it needs to be set up properly. We encourage everyone to consider the size and set up requirements of this cabin tent prior to purchase to make sure that it fits their application and capabilities. We have thousands of these in the field used by both consumers and commercial customers. In fact, they are used by the Red Cross and other medical organizations for portable emergency medical and triage applications so when set up properly this large cabin tent peforms admirably.
When the tent arrives with holes in corners, zippers that don't function, frames that are completely destroyed and a rain fly that leaks you can not blame it one set up! The rain fly on the top sits on the frame(that is easily destroyed in shipping) and there is no way to have it not set up properly so water should not leak through it! Holes in the corner that are found before the tent is even completely staked down again has nothing to do with set up! Zippers that come apart when you are not even near them have nothing to do with set up! Zippers that come apart with the tent staked properly or not at all have nothing to do with set up! Screens that are ruined by a loose piece of Velcro that obviously came from the manufacturing process has nothing to do with set up! A rain fly that leaks onto the top of the tent under the rain fly which then leaks into the tent has nothing to do with set up! When water pools on top of the tent under the rain fly where the material is that the side support poles go through and then leaks into the inside of the tent ha nothing to do with set up! Seriously Kevin you know there were serious issues with the shipping and manufacturing of the tent in question so please don't try to blame it on set up! I have set up many many tents and not had anywhere near the issues as with this tent from the second it was taken out of the box! It caused me to waste over an hour and a half rebuilding a broken frame and to leave my vacation a day early due to all the issues mentioned previously. "But rest assured, you will not have to spend any money on missing or warranty tent parts since these are our responsibility and if these issues arise we replace them at no cost to you. We make durable tents that will stand up to normal weather conditions that are short of tornado, hurricane, whole gale force, or microburst conditions" is a completely false statement that was considered when purchasing this tent from you! this is a quote from you Kevin! This tent couldn't even handle a normal non gale force rain storm while in amongst the protection of trees, which were not even close to touching the tent(since this is your next excuse) and at a cost of $499 there should be none of these issues! I hope you do the right thing!?
Thanks for the comments from “oldhunter” and “Matthew”. Here is what happened.
1. “oldhunter” ordered our #770 for “Matthew”, and the tent was delivered on May 28th.
2. We got a call from “Matthew” at his campsite on June 29th which is over a month later stating that it was the shipping company that damaged the corners of the frame as evidenced by the broken pieces at the corner of one end. He requested us to send him a new frame.
3. We immediately opened a new tent and sent him a frame next day air early AM delivery at a shipping expense of over $200 to our company even though the frame was damaged by the shipper in transit over one month before this. Test how many companies will go through this effort and expense for customer service if a package is damaged in transit and the customer tells them over one month later. Most companies will ask you to file a claim with the shipper and after the shipper sends an inspector, takes responsibility and offers to pay for it and gets the product returned, only then will they ship a new one out. I have experienced this from other companies.
4. Customer received the new frame the day after he called, but chose to continue to use the old frame (that he said was broken) during his entire camping trip. So he left the tent set up with a broken frame almost a week which compromised the integrity of the entire tent and caused damage to other components.
5. Customer emailed and said that now that his camping vacation was done that he would return the tent and demand his money back.
We can’t process the refund based on our return policy that clearly states:
1. If the tent or camping product arrives to you in a physically damaged condition due to shipping and handling, be sure to save all the packaging so that we can file a claim with the shipper. Notify Customer Service immediately via e-mail or the toll-free number so the item can be replaced with a new tent or new parts.
2. If the item is defective, please send pictures of the defects within 30 days of receipt of the product. Once it is determined to be defective, this will be handled under our warranty. We will send replacement parts or have the product picked up at our expense and a replacement will be sent immediately.
3. If for some other reason, you are not happy with the product you ordered, you may return it within 30 days of delivery of the product for a refund of the purchase price less applicable shipping. The item must be in the original packaging just as you received it. The product shall not have been used. Request a return authorization number (RMA) via e-mail. The RMA number must be noted on the outside of the package you are returning or it will not be accepted. For your protection, use a shipper that provides a way to track your package. Full Insurance is required on all returned shipments. Buyer pays for all shipping and insurance associated with return of any product. If the item is returned simply because you do not like it you are responsible for all shipping charges including the cost of the outgoing shipping.
Continued on next post since length exceeds blog allowances.
Continuation of post above:
Our quality control and failure statistics data from the field use of this tent and feedback from our large commercial customers clearly indicate that the many problems he stated cannot be associated with a tent in normal wear and tear usage that is set up properly. A broken frame will cause punctures in the fabric, misalignment of the tent walls straining the zippers beyond the rated capacity, and water pooling on the roof due to improper slope. The use of the new frame that we sent at great expense and effort would have eliminated all of these problems. But this customer asked us to ship him a new frame next day air, but didn’t bother to use the new frame. This customer has also stated in blog posts prior to his purchase that he bought two disappointing tents within a year prior to this and sold one and returned the other. We believe we did the right thing to immediately ship him the new frame at our expense even though it has passed the 30 day policy so that he could set up the tent properly. But we should not be responsible for his choice of continuing using the broken frame which caused all the problems he stated.
We always welcome our customer’s feedback, and take them seriously. It gives us an opportunity to discuss ideas so that issues will not arise in the future. From the above example we offer the following advice:
1. Inspect the tent immediately upon arrival to make sure there is no shipping damage and/or missing parts.
2. Become familiar with the tent by setting up the tent prior to camping instead of waiting over one month from delivery, taking the tent camping and attempting to set it up for the first time at a camp site like what this customer did.
3. Familiarize yourself with our return policy
Hi Doug.I see in your tent photos what appears to be an inflatable sofa.I have been searching on line for one like that one but cannot seem to find one like it.I was hoping you could tell me what brand this is and where i could possibly purchase one.Thanks,umpy315
Hi Kevin.I read in one of your posts that water proofing was not needed for the 4 room condo tent.However i have bought other tents that also said wp was not needed and they leaked somewhat witch was help by treating and seam sealing myself.Not saying this tent would leak without doing so,As a fail safe would a product such as starbrite or 303 be safe to use on this tent?Also what type of seam sealer would you suggest if i decided to use it? Thanks,Umpy315
Thanks for your question about waterproofing. Many people are not aware that solvents that are contained in insect repellents, insecticides, sunscreen, some waterproofing sprays, and any petroleum products will actually degrade or destroy the original factory waterproofing that is on the tent fabric. As such, we recommend that you not use any of these products near the tent. If any additional waterproofing is needed we recommend water based products such as Nikwax (http://nikwax.com/en-us/index.php)
I recently purchased the four room tent and would like to offer my non-expert regular guy who goes camping review for those that are on the fence in regards to purchasing this tent. Buy it. Overall I would give this tent/company 4.5 out of 5 stars.
-The website was informative and pictures were accurate and adequate to make a informed decision. I would only improve on the origin of the products. I only found out that my tent was manufactured in china after I had the tent set up and looked at the tag on the inside. I’m not sure why but I was under the impression that the tent was made domestically , I know I could have called to confirm where it was made but never did. my fault. I ordered it on a Saturday and it was shipped first thing Monday and I received it in NY the following Monday. There was some shipping damage to the box but nothing that effected the tent. So 4.5 stars for the purchase experience.
-I set this tent up solo in just about 1 hour and 20 minutes , this includes all stakes and guy ropes. There was no confusion on parts or poles or where things go. Remarkably simple. For a tent this size I give setup 5 stars.
-the quality of the tent is superb, the material is better than any other high end camping tent offered at any outdoors store that I was able to go see and compare. The seams are all taped and I could not find any potential trouble spots for leakage. The guy ropes are of good quality cotton type rope which makes getting knots out a breeze, there could have probably been about 6 more to really secure a tent of this size. But I will pick them up at a hardware store. The poles and frame are all high quality and should outlast tent. There was a couple blemishes in the screening of the doors, it looks like the way the tent was packed had crumpled and distorted the screening leaving some areas that could potentially tear in the future. So unfortunately the screening does force a 4.5 rather than a 5 star.
-the overall design is excellent, I cant think of any improvements I would make. The size, shape, and functionality deserves a full 5 stars. It will surely be a head turner at the campground.
\ -the storage was a bit lacking, the scissor frame has good quality zipper style canvas bag, but the tent itself has a cheaper plastic type of bag that I was only able to get just the tent in not including the rain fly, and its not breathable, so I will pick up a canvas duffel bag to store it in. Because how well you store your tent determines how long you have your tent I give the storage a mediocre 3.5 stars.
So that’s my review, I hope you find it helpful. I am happy that I decided on this tent and look forward to purchasing the new screened in tent in the summer.
Hi Can you please tell me where I can purchase the 701 tent.
Thank you.
We manufacture our Pinnacle #701 quick set tent and only sell them direct. We plan on manufacturing more towards the end of this year (2012).
I am going camping June 11th and would like to purcahse one of these 4 room tents. Where can I get one.
We design and manufacture our Cabin Tent #770 Four Room Cabin Tent and only sell them direct. We are going through a slight redesign to strengthen the frame and will be manufacturing more of these cabin tents for the 2013 season. We will let everyone know when they are ready for shipment in 2013.
Going for camping is a passionate feelings that how we can enjoy our weekends ,to look such a nice and well equiped tent rental. I have planned my vacations this year and hope so to enjoy such camping.
Hi, I'm sorry for the bother but I am extremely interested in this 4 cabin tent 770. In July 2012 you posted that a new and improved 4 cabin will be released in 2013. Can you tell me when it will be ready and what improvements will be added? Thank you for your time.
We are still working on the design changes for our "condo" camping tent. The changes will be upgrades to some of the frame components and materials. Due to our busy manufacturing schedule we will not be able to fit this great tent into production this year. Please look for its reappearance for the 2014 season.
On your return policy it says the tent cant be used. Does that mean it cant be set up or just not used for something like a wkend
It cannot be set up outside. We recommend you open the box and inspect the material and construction inside your house or on a clean surface. As the manufacturer, we cannot resell soiled merchandise so we need to discard or donate any returns. We always try to provide as much information as possible so our customers can make an informed decision on their purchase to avoid inconvenience.
1.I live I Georgia and the State Parks are very nice but sometimes trying to find a perfectly level site is next to impossible. Is the support frame adjustment system a little forgiving on slight elevation differences in such cases when setting up.
2. Can I purchase spare parts kit nuts, bolts, plastic pieces for the frame to have on hand for an emergency, not saying there will be but I like being prepared just in case.
1. Our four room cabin tent model 770 has adjustable legs on the center scissors type frame to accommodate irregular ground.
2. We don't have a standard spare parts kit for sale but can provide parts if needed from our inventory. This is a good idea for upgrades to our tent design and packaging.
Is the improved version for 2014 being sold yet?
Our latest design for this four room cabin tent is in stock and shipping. This current cabin tent design has been the result of many years of customer feedback and testing.
Does it still look the same and everything? What were the main changes for 2014? Looking to buy one in June and have been following this blog since the decision so just curious. Thanks Kevin
The cabin tent still looks the same. We added extensions to the rain fly over the windows on the ends and some frame component upgrades. The cabin tent specifications can be seen here http://www.camptents.com/shop/cabin-tent-4-room/
There haven't been any posts for quite a while. Is the condo tent still available for purchase in 2015? Or is it undergoing changes? Do you guys ever select consumers to "test" your tent in order for specific feedback? Just curious. Very interested in your product. Been camping for 30+ years every summer! Thanks for any help.
Our Four Room Cabin Tent (the condo) is in stock and shipping. All of our customers test our tents and many offer feedback and that is how we improve our tents. We would be happy to hear from you anytime.
Where is the 770 tent made? What is the best way to contact Pinnacle tents? I am thinking about purchasing a tent and what to have away to contact some if needed. Thanks Allen
We design all of our camping tents and warehouse in the USA and manufacture at our overseas factory. Our contact phone number is listed on our website www.camptents.com and it is 877-379-8269. You can also email us at sales@pinnacletents.com
We bought the 770 tent in March. When putting the tent up yesterday, we discovered that two bars on the scissor lift are bent. Not sure how it happened. Can we buy replacement pieces if we send a picture showing the damagedpieces?
We have parts for all of the camping tents we manufacture. Please send photos showing a close up of the parts and a more wide angle photo showing the location on the frame to sales@pinnacletents.com
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